Collocation Solver Example¶
Lets walk through a whole script and get an idea of how to solve a simple Burgers equation example, similar to the example seen in Raissi et. al.
Full Script¶
The full script, up to model training, is below:
Domain = DomainND(["x", "t"], time_var='t')
Domain.add("x", [-1.0, 1.0], 256)
Domain.add("t", [0.0, 1.0], 100)
N_f = 20000
def func_ic(x):
return -np.sin(x * math.pi)
init = IC(Domain, [func_ic], var=[['x']])
upper_x = dirichletBC(Domain, val=0.0, var='x', target="upper")
lower_x = dirichletBC(Domain, val=0.0, var='x', target="lower")
BCs = [init, upper_x, lower_x]
def f_model(u_model, x, t):
u = u_model(tf.concat([x, t], 1))
u_x = tf.gradients(u, x)
u_xx = tf.gradients(u_x, x)
u_t = tf.gradients(u, t)
f_u = u_t + u * u_x - (0.05 / tf.constant(math.pi)) * u_xx
return f_u
layer_sizes = [2, 128, 128, 128, 128, 1]
model = CollocationSolverND()
model.compile(layer_sizes, f_model, Domain, BCs), newton_iter=1000)
Script Walkthrough¶
Let’s take a look step-by-step.
First we create the domain and generate collocation points
Next we generate the IC and the BCs, and concatenate them into a list
input into the Collocation Solver
Now we define the physics model, wrapping the PDE in a function and returning the strong form PDE. Gradients
can be taken with tf.gradients
as the execution will end up being in graph-mode once the f_model
function is
fed into the solver. This is one of the biggest perks of TensorDiffEq, all the translation into fast graph-mode execution is
built into the package.
Finally, we define the layer sizes of the FC MLP network used to approximate the solution network u(x,t), initialize the model compile and solve.
Once all this is completed TensorDiffEq will begin training the solution for u(x,t)!